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Re: Informal survey (was Re: Banner ads)

> Perhaps an informal poll of contributors to the LDP would be
> informative.  You might be surprised by the results (or maybe you'd
> just prove that I'm off-base).
> Some sample questions:
>  1) Are you happy with the present leadership and "core team" of the
>     LDP?
>      [X ] Yes
>      [ ] Yes, with some reservations
>      [ ] No
>  2) On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being bad, and 10 being good, how would
>     you rank:
>      [ 10 ] core team's consultation back to rest of project
>           before doing things
>      [ 8 ] responsiveness to new document submissions
>      [ 9 ] web site design
>      [ 9 ] "attitude" of core team
>      [ 10 ] image of LDP project
>      [ 10 ] existance of the new linuxdoc.org domain name
>      [ 10 ] existance of the new public mailing lists
>      [ 7 ] level and quality of discussion on mailing lists
             (Barring the whinning)
>      [ 8 ] ease of working with project
>      [ 8 ] project organization
>  3) As things currently stand, how would you rate your participation
>     in the LDP in the future:
>      [ X] I will contribute more
>      [ ] I will contribute the same
>      [ ] I will contribute less
>      [ ] I will no longer be contributing
>      [ ] Undecided, I will wait and see before deciding
>  4) How do you see the LDP?
>      [ X ] primarily as a repository for documentation
>      [ ] primarily as a website project (not main function, but I wouldlke
web access to docs)
>      [  ] both equally
>  5) What sort of licensing would you prefer for LDP documents?
>      [ ] Public domain
>      [ ] GPL-style, where private forks of documents are not allowed
>      [ ] Mixed - Any open source license allowed
>      [ ] Mixed - Including closed source documents
        [ X] Each to his/her own
>  6) What structure would you like for the LDP:
>      [ X ] BSD-style: "Core Team" + everybody else
        Thats why you have leadership... to lead so we don't have to
>      [ ] Debian-style: everybody equal with a benevolent dictator
>  7) Would you like to see a more formal organization with a
>     constitution and voting structure?
>      [ ] Yes
>      [X ] No
>     If so, who should be allowed to vote?
>      [ ] Members only
>      [ ] All project contributors
>      [ ] The Linux community at large
> Can anyone else think of any other questions for a survey that might
> be informative or educational?
> > Have a lovely weekend.
> Yes, let's leave this for Monday.  Perhaps I'll give 3D Technology a
> call them and see if I can sweet talk them into something more low-key
> than a banner ad.  If we had to forgo their prizes, I'm sure I could
> scare up the equivalent from VA or Penguin or somewhere else.

I do websites/internet stuff for a living, and commercially I wouldn't
accept all this sniping. To be honest it never happens anyway in a
commerical eviroment, everyone tends to be fairly professional. They can
critique without insults. I'm not sure why doing something as esentially a
voulenteer suddenly means everyone can pile on you, or go behind your back
and attempt to undo what you've done. They website is fine. It is not
flashy, but that is normal for Linux sites. On top of that, I would bet if
you came up with something 200% better they would put it up. As for the
banner, if you care that much about it, you are a great candidate to get
more involved. Logos are there to help give an organization an identity,
they can be very effective. They are not for vanity, trust me.


> Cheers,
>  - Jim
> --
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