A new Request for Comments is now available in online RFC libraries.

        RFC 3246

        Title:      An Expedited Forwarding PHB (Per-Hop Behavior) 
        Author(s):  B. Davie, A. Charny, J.C.R. Bennet,
                    K. Benson, J.Y. Le Boudec, W. Courtney,
                    S. Davari, V. Firoiu, D. Stiliadis 
        Status:     Standards Track
        Date:       March 2002
        Mailbox:    bsd@cisco.com, acharny@cisco.com,
                    jcrb@motorola.com, Kent.Benson@tellabs.com,
                    jean-yves.leboudec@epfl.ch, bill.courtney@trw.com,
        Pages:      16
        Characters: 33896
        Updates/Obsoletes/SeeAlso:  None

        I-D Tag:    draft-ietf-diffserv-rfc2598bis-02.txt

        URL:        ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc3246.txt

This document defines a PHB (per-hop behavior) called Expedited
Forwarding (EF).  The PHB is a basic building block in the
Differentiated Services architecture.  EF is intended to provide a
building block for low delay, low jitter and low loss services by
ensuring that the EF aggregate is served at a certain configured
rate.  This document obsoletes RFC 2598.

This document is a product of the Differentiated Services Working
Group of the IETF.

This document is now a Proposed Standard Protocol.  

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should be sent to IETF-REQUEST@IETF.ORG.  Requests to be
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